Do you dream about leaving your everyday life behind?
Do you fantasize about taking a break from your day-to-day life of working, housekeeping, and paying the bills? Maybe you imagine sailing off the coast of Greece for six months. Perhaps you'd like to teach rural African women how to start their own small businesses. Or maybe you'd just like to spend a good chunk of time at home getting reacquainted with your family, organizing your life, and finally reading all those books on your list.

Whatever the fantasy, Lifebreak Coach
Gary Humbarger can help transform your dreams into reality.

What's Lifebreak coaching?
Lifebreak coaching is an intensive one-on-one program to help you plan—then actually take—that much-deserved sabbatical you've been dreaming about. During weekly phone sessions, I'll get you into action by helping you overcome the real (and imagined) obstacles standing in the way of your life break. Together we'll help you answer such critical questions as:

How will you support yourself during your leave of absence?
What steps should you take to ensure you don't jeopardize your career?
How can you gain the enthuastic support of your family and friends?
How can you make sure to get the absolute most out of your life break?

Is Lifebreak coaching for you?
Lifebreak coaching is for anyone who's looking to refresh, renew, or recharge their life by stepping off the daily treadmill and trying something different for awhile. You can benefit from Lifebreak coaching if you are:

Working for an organization with an established sabbatical program
Self-employed and need a break from running your own business
Someone in transition following a major life event
Anyone who's ready to enrich their lives by pursuing their dreams

Want to experience Lifebreak coaching for yourself?
Ready to take that first bold step toward making your life break dreams come true? You can learn more about Lifebreak coaching—and experience its power for yourself—by scheduling a complimentary half-hour session today. In just 30 minutes, Gary will help you clarify your vision for your life break, and start you moving down the path from fantasy to reality.

Schedule your FREE Lifebreak coaching session—
Call (415) 874-5451 or
email Gary today